
For most, the idea of a four hour work day sounds like perfection on the way to financial independence. Jillian reminds us that attaining that goal will take time, curiosity, and courageous growing along the way.

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One of the core characteristics that most of Jullian’s clients have on their journey to financial independence is a desire to have a four hour work day and it’s a goal that can be accomplished with a little perseverance. 

Have you ever given up on your goals? Whether they are financial, business, or self-improvement goals, one of our biggest enemies of success is too little time and curiosity, and too much fear of failure and waste. 

Big goals need a bigger timeline. It might take you a week to find a way to earn an extra hundred dollars, so why do we expect to create a $100,000 business in a year? Time is not our enemy, it is our faithful companion on the journey to financial independence. By shifting our focus on a longer range plan our rate of success will increase significantly. 

If time isn’t the issue, perhaps the problem lies in knowing what we are passionate about. Given an hour, many of us don’t know what we do. Committing to being curious allows us to explore 1000 ideas. Of these 1000 ideas, we may find 100 that we are interested in, and two or three that really make us feel like we are engaged in something meaningful and purposeful. 

Finally, we must evaluate the thoughts and feelings that keep us stuck. For most, that is the idea of failure or wasting time, money, and resources on something that may not go as planned. Remember, nothing is wasted. 

“The thing I’m doing now is built on the foundation of all I experienced.” 

When we measure success by the right metrics – growth and relationships – we can have joy in discovering what works, what doesn’t, and what we are truly excited about. 

Most people want to create a life that includes four hours of meaningful work. With the right amount of time, curiosity, and courage over fear, that is a very attainable goal.