By shaking free of their parents’ patterns and broader cultural mindsets regarding money, Ken and Mary have been able to forge a different path towards wealth that doesn’t come at the expense of their marriage.

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Ken and Mary, children of Nigerian immigrants, had significant cultural expectations that shaped their early money stories and patterns. 

Finding success in a new country meant that Mary’s family felt pressure to pay “the black tax” by providing not only for their own immediate family but for those back in Nigeria who were relying on them. There was always a need to save. Anytime Mary would ask for McDonald’s or other fast food, the reply would be: 


 “There is rice at home.”


Ken’s family also struggled with scarcity. When his parents did begin making money, it became contentious and competitive, especially when his mother began outearning his father. There was no communication about money in their home. Instead, there was a clear delineation about whose was whos, but there was no vision for the family’s financial future.


“I wanted a different path.”


Ken and Mary both had a desire to do things differently. They wanted to break out of the cultural stereotype that pressured them to prove their success by showing up in a Mercedes, wearing Rolex, and Cartier or always taking care of everyone else while neglecting their own needs.

It makes sense that the two would meet at a property investment seminar. Another class, a marriage preparation class, put Ken and Mary on the path towards a successful marriage and money future. By spending time talking about practical money matters (will you have joint accounts? Will you work after having children” etc.). Ken and Mary began to shift their money patterns and mindsets. 

A “Money Day” can make all the difference in a relationship.


By talking honestly with your partner and learning one another’s strengths, passions, and goals – you can become your home CFO.

None of us reach our financial goals if they remain in the abstract. By making time with your significant other to honestly talk through your money matters, you learn to dream again!

Find more information on reaching your money goals at Ken & Mary’s website, The Humble Penny, try their 5-day challenge, or sign up for Jillian’s One Hour Millionaire course!